Seismic Strengthening Christchurch
Reduce the impact of future Earthquakes
Seismic strengthening aims to reduce the impact of future earthquakes in Christchurch and Canterbury. Limestone Engineers have significant experience which allows our experts to find the best possible solution for any kind of building. With huge experience in concrete repair, reinforcement and protection techniques, including designing and implementing earthquake strengthening methods we offer guaranteed turnkey services. We make our expertise and know-how available to our Christchurch contracting authorities for seismic compliance, strengthening and repair projects on existing buildings and residences.

What Strengthening Means to Us
Safeguarding users is the main objective of our seismic strengthening. Other objectives also come into consideration depending on the socio-economic importance and the residual service life of the structure; these include maintaining emergency services (hospitals, barracks, etc.), protecting equipment (major industrial facilities), conserving the national heritage (historic monuments), safe evacuation of the building, etc.
Limestone Engineers Ltd helps construction companies to translate their objectives into technical performance requirements to be met by the strengthened or repaired structure. The level of protection is the intersection between a level of seismic stress and a damage limit state of the structure